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Showing posts from September, 2017

Presidential Cyberbullying

CNN posted the article:  North Korea could test hydrogen bomb over Pacific Ocean, says foreign minister   on Friday September 22nd.  The articles discusses President Trump's and  North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un's, recent online tiff. Much like high school girls both national leaders recently issued statements online that scalped each other. At a recent  UN General Assembly on Tuesday Trump made a speech in which he  threatened to"totally destroy" North Korea. In an unprecedented response  Kim released a televised statement saying that Trump would "pay dearly" for the threats, and that North Korea "will consider with seriousness exercising of a corresponding, highest level of hard-line countermeasure in history." He goes on to  state  "I will surely and definitely tame the mentally  deranged US dotard with fire ."  Moments later after deliberating his speech  Kim's foreign minister told reporters in New York that Pyongyang could launc