I chose to read “The Periscope that shows how there’s no difference between the “new right” and “alt-right”” by Cristina López on Media Matters: https://www.mediamatters.org/blog/2017/10/19/periscope-shows-how-theres-no-difference-between-new-right-and-alt-right/218272 The article is intended for left-winged readers as it discusses many issues caused by the alt-right. The writer is very credible and provides substantial evidence to support her claims. The article discusses an hour and a half livestream broadcast on Periscope, that took place on October 18, entitled “Alt-Right vs New Right, Debate Of The Century”. The broadcast was hosted by Lucian Wintrich, a White House correspondent for the pro-Trump Gateway Pundit, and features “new-right” personality Ali Akbar, and Matt Colligan who was a participant of the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, VA. They purpose of the broadcast was to have an honest exchange of ideas and claimed: “We’re not going to be mean. We’re n...