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The "New Alt" is doing Al(t)right

I chose to read “The Periscope that shows how there’s no difference between the “new right” and “alt-right”” by Cristina López on Media Matters:

The article is intended for left-winged readers as it discusses many issues caused by the alt-right. The writer is very credible and provides substantial evidence to support her claims. The article discusses an hour and a half livestream broadcast on Periscope, that took place on October 18, entitled “Alt-Right vs New Right, Debate Of The Century”. The broadcast was hosted by Lucian Wintrich, a White House correspondent for the pro-Trump Gateway Pundit, and features “new-right” personality Ali Akbar, and Matt Colligan who was a participant of the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, VA. They purpose of the broadcast was to have an honest exchange of ideas and claimed:
“We’re not going to be mean. We’re not going to be super racist -- funny racist is a whole different story. And for the most part, we’re going to leave ethnicities alone, but there’s no problem talking about power structures and people who control certain industries and stuff like that.”

After having made their vague and ambiguous disclaimer the show soon descended into racial slurs, praise for Adolf Hitler, and homophobic imagery. One of the men wove a swastika flag saying, "Adolf Hitler, he was a great man," and another wore a shirt that read “Fags R gay”. The furry of hatred that arose from the supposedly non demeaning video session is a perfect example of the bigotry alive in America today. Some believe we live in a world devoid of racism and prejudice but it has just adapted to the modern age, camouflaging itself into the abundance of social disarray. Todays world is one of many varying social issues that are happening at once which leads to more polarized political viewpoints than in previous years. There is a strong disconcert from the “new-right” movement about being branded as toxic as the “alt-right” when in reality the movements have more views in common than different. I agree with the author of this blog post that even though the “new right” toys to distance themselves from the radical standings of the “alt right” they still share the same degrading core ideals.This article is also an excellent example of how the millennial generation is rebranding hatred as the “new right” movement to normalize bigotry and make it seem less harsh then its predecessors.


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